Friday, September 30, 2011

Satisfied in the Morning

Psalm 90:14  Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.

The morning is always a good time to be satisfied.  Have you ever been one of those people who woke up “on the wrong side of the bed”?  Well, the right side is always to wake up with a heart that is satisfied.  It’s like having a hot cup of coffee, a great breakfast, and nothing hindering or disturbing your “good morning”.  Everything just falls into place.

The satisfaction that Moses, the writer of Psalm 90, was after was more than just good coffee or a great breakfast.  It was a satisfaction that his heart longed for, hungered for, each morning.  Moses prayed “satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love”.

The word “satisfy” in Hebrew means “to fill to satisfaction”, “to have enough of”.  Moses wanted to be satisfied with God’s unfailing love.

Does God do that automatically every morning?  No.  Though His unfailing love is there for the giving, and for our taking, yet it is not felt to satisfaction until we long for it, seek it, meditate upon it and be thankful for it.  I am a strong believer of morning prayer because I believe that this is the best time for us to meditate on His unfailing love for us, to worship Him for who He is, and to have Him fill our hearts with HIs love.  When God satisfies us in the morning with His unfailing love we are able to sing, with joy and gladness, in our hearts.  We are assured that the whole day He is there to guide and guard us in His love.  It’s like what David said in Psalm 23 – surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life!

What a feeling to be satisfied with His unfailing love.  I believe the reason many of us are tired, frustrated, stressed, worried, anxious during the day is because we seek satisfaction in other things, rather than in God and in His unfailing love.  We seek satisfaction in a “good day” with no problems…but problems do come.  We seek satisfaction in things happening according to how we desire…but that does not always happen.  But if our hearts are filled with God’s unfailing love, and we know that He is with us, no matter what circumstance we may be in – it just makes our day.

Let us spend our days in song, with joy, and with gladness in our hearts as we long to be satisfied with God’s unfailing love.

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